We are able to live in a free country because of the sacrifices of so many men and women fighting for our country. Unlike other countries, we are blessed to live in a place where we can be an individual and pursue our own desired path. “To me, freedom is the ability to live your life as you choose, without living in fear. Navy Lieutenant Commander Raymond O’Hare, passed away during a T-38 training jet crash. We asked Fallen Patriots’ scholar Katie O’Hare what freedom means to her. Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation aims to honor the sacrifices of fallen military heroes by ensuring the success of their children through college education. It is important to remember the brave soldiers who have died to protect these freedoms. We are fortunate to live in a country where everyone holds the fundamental rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Today, the Fourth of July is a patriotic celebration filled with fireworks, parades, barbecues and parties. On the Fourth of July in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed establishing America as a new nation free from British rule. Independence Day represents freedom in the United States.